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Easter Sunrise Service

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 593 Pleasant Hill Dr., Elkin, NC, United States

Join us as we start our Easter celebrations! The service will be held in the church parking lot (cemetery side).

Easter Breakfast

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 593 Pleasant Hill Dr., Elkin, NC, United States

Senior Adult Revival

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 593 Pleasant Hill Dr., Elkin, NC, United States

We will be hosting the Elkin Baptist Association's Senior Adult Revival on Tuesday, May 7. The service will begin at 11:00 am and be followed by a luncheon at noon.

Awana Awards Program

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 593 Pleasant Hill Dr., Elkin, NC, United States

This is a special time of recognition for all of the hard work of the Awana clubbers throughout the year. The awards program will begin at 2:00 pm and will be followed by a time of fun and fellowship with bouncies and treats.

Graduate Recognition

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 593 Pleasant Hill Dr., Elkin, NC, United States

We will recognize all of our high school and college graduates during the morning service on May 26. Scholarships will also be awarded at that time.

Trunk or Treat

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 593 Pleasant Hill Dr., Elkin, NC, United States

Live Nativity

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 593 Pleasant Hill Dr., Elkin, NC, United States

Faith, Food, and Fitness for a Healthy Heart

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 593 Pleasant Hill Dr., Elkin, NC, United States

This class will include blood pressure checks, discussion on the basics of heart health, how to exercise to strengthen your heart, and heart-healthy cooking tips. A cooking demonstration and lunch will be provided (chicken, rice, salad, and dessert).